Betty Young Kim


Betty Young Kim's work addresses the unseen labor of motherhood, defiance of the feminine mystique, and sheds light on the atrocities of her Korean ancestral past.

Rooted in photography, Kim uses self-portraiture to add a subtle layer of seen images that are typically unseen, filling in the gaps of photos and videos in government-sanctioned archives, pop culture, and fiction and non-fiction sources. Kim also explores the inclusion of fiber arts in the dialogue of the past and present between cultures.


244 Armbands. 2022-2023. Grosgrain ribbon on cotton. Various dimensions (2-4”x13”-19”). Photo courtesy of artist.


Woman in Red. 2022 (left). Archival Inkjet Print. 15”x20”.
Woman in Black and White (right). 2023. Archival inkjet Print. 14”x21”
Photo courtesy of artist.


Hanmono. 2023. Cotton, polyester, and silk. Kimono “52x60”. Haori 52”x38”. Photo courtesy of artist.


Remnant. 2022-ongoing. Cotton, polyester, and silk. 90”x90”. Photo courtesy of artist.